Quick post today while I continue to rack my brain for stuff to write about, and find the time to actually do it.Today I had the displeasure of checking my login attempts and seeing over 130 attempts in a single day, with probably many more as I’m writing this post up. I have made the […]
Category: Fluff
Pardon the mess.
Hello! I recently picked up a new domain to replace my old one (gregory.red). Currently in the process of moving all my WordPress stuff over this way. More posts coming soon, maybe.
The qualms of having a public facing WordPress blog.
This will be a stub compared to the sorts of posts I wish to put up here (and boy, I’d like to do this sort of thing more often), but holy crap, people seem to really like to try bruteforcing their way into blogs. I find it rather silly given how little traffic I assume […]
On installing Gentoo (onto a Thinkpad T60)
Hi, howdy, hey. I had one of my dad’s old laptops sitting around collecting dust in my room and suddenly I had the old 4chan /g/ adage pop into my head; “Install Gentoo.” So, me and my bored self set out to do that on this poor thing. Running a Intel Core Duo T2400, 2 […]
There will eventually be some posts on this damn site, whenever I come up with something to write about. What will it be? Who knows.